Stocks to sell

No one doubts that electric vehicles are the next big shift. But not all companies who make them are created equally. In fact, it’s best to avoid plenty of EV stocks. We’ve known for quite some time that EVs would be an integral part in the push toward net zero. And that’s meant plenty of
While the overall market remains buoyant, there are pockets where troubled stocks are struggling to gain traction. One sector that is rife with problems is the software space. Many software companies enjoyed explosive growth during the pandemic and even before, as the rise of cloud computing created huge demand worldwide. A lot of companies overspent
Uninterrupted rallies without any changes to earnings tend to make stocks vulnerable to corrections. Tech stocks have enjoyed solid gains in 2023, but some of these same companies have decelerating revenue and declining earnings. That’s not the combination any investor likes to see, but some of the high-flying tech stocks present that setup for investors.
Venturing into the intricate world of artificial intelligence (AI) stocks can be an intimidating task. While some firms are spearheading innovative breakthroughs, other doomed AI stocks are falling behind. This article will cast a spotlight on three such stocks that are currently facing challenges, making them less appealing to investors. These companies, while notable in
In the financial world, not all that glitters is gold. Take, for instance, the realm of blue-chip stocks, those large, reliable, and profit-generating juggernauts that usually radiate nothing but success. These businesses have built an empire with popular consumer products and a killer track record. However, the three doomed blue-chip stocks discussed in the piece
Biotech may be a great sector for risk-seeking investors to find opportunity. That said, for every biotech stock worth buying, there are plenty that fit into the “biotech stocks to sell” category. For one, while biotechs are some of the riskier stocks out there, that doesn’t mean all of them offer the possibility of outsized
Blue-chip stocks are some of the most popular equities that you can buy. But that doesn’t mean you should buy them all. Sometimes, you need to scour your portfolio for blue-chip stocks to sell because they’re dragging you down. Blue-chip stocks represent some of the world’s biggest and most financially stable companies. Typically, a blue-chip
In the colorful stock market landscape, doomed tech stocks are an ominous yet unavoidable presence. Tech stocks have effectively managed to swim against the current, showcasing an uptick, despite forewarnings of a couple of interest rate hikes in 2023. Investors, eager for signs of recovery, toasted the revival of the tech bull market. However, the