Investing News

Cryptocurrencies have experienced significant growth in popularity since they were first introduced in 2009. They are somewhat obscure in nature and difficult to understand; this confusion brings about myths and rumors regarding these digital currencies. In no particular order, here are some of the most common cryptocurrency myths, accompanied by an examination of facts to help
If you have some spare cash to save or invest, there are many options open to you. Two of these are a certificate of deposit (CD) or investing in an exchange-traded fund (ETF). At first glance, both investments appear to offer similar advantages to investors—both are often presented as relatively low-risk ways of putting money
Despite appearances, we are running out of sand. While that might seem farfetched – sand is seemingly everywhere – there is not only a thriving international trade in the commodity, but it’s the second-most heavily exploited natural resource after water and, by volume, the most heavily extracted solid material in the world. Like any commodity, sand
Investing in real estate is nothing like investing in stocks and bonds. With the latter two, depending on the type of investment, you may be able to dive right in with perhaps as little as $100. You can exit whenever you wish. It’s not that easy when you’re dealing with real estate. In fact, real
Considering payments have been paused on federal student loans since March 2020, not knowing who services your loans is not as crazy as it sounds. This is more the case given that the U.S. Department of Education announced it will change up loan servicers at some point in the future. Plus, it’s not like you
A report by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) found small businesses are continuing to confront economic challenges in the construction, manufacturing, retail and services industries. For the construction industry, the NFIB’s optimism index was 91.3 in July, down 1.2 points from April’s quarterly report. Owners in construction had the highest percentage of unfilled job openings
Managing student loans during college isn’t something students or their parents generally want to think about. Most students probably don’t plan to address their loans until after graduation. However, those who do may focus on the six-month grace period after graduation. This is the period before any payments are due. This is a big mistake.
Key Takeaways GameStop’s losses per share were narrower than analysts predicted. The company’s revenue failed to meet expectations. GameStop announced that it had entered into a partnership with the cryptocurrency exchange FTX. Source: Predictions based on analysts’ consensus from Visible Alpha GME Financial Results: Analysis GameStop Corp. (GME) reported mixed results for Q2 FY 2022. The
The electronics sector is typically divided between consumer electronics, electric utilities, and general electronics. Consumer electronics drive most of the growth in the sector, however. According to the “Global Electronic Components Market 2020 Research Report,” the global market for electronic components is predicted to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 4.8%
As Apple gets set to unveil its latest iPhones today, a new report shows it is gaining on digital ad rivals Facebook and Google. According to a report by InMobi’s Appsumer, Apple’s ad business has thrived after the company’s controversial iOS privacy update last year undercut the user tracking efforts of app developers. The update asks iPhone users
Teens, who have grown up with computers and smartphones, are generally tech and Internet savvy, giving them confidence online. They also tend to be inexperienced and more trusting than most age groups when it comes to interactions with others. That combination can make young people vulnerable to scam artists, especially in an increasingly dangerous online
What happens when you can’t pay your monthly bills? Keeping up with them is challenging enough if you live paycheck to paycheck. It can become even more difficult if you experience a drop in income due to a layoff or job loss. Unemployment benefits can help to cover the gap financially, but those payments don’t
Vanguard has a fairly unique structure for an investment management company. The company is owned by its funds; the funds are owned by the shareholders. Thus, the shareholders are the actual owners. In contrast to most publicly-owned investment firms, Vanguard has no outside investors other than its shareholders. Vanguard’s structure allows the company to charge
Key Takeaways NIO delivered 25,059 vehicles in the second quarter, beating analyst estimates. Vehicle deliveries provide an indication of demand for NIO’s main source of revenue as well as the company’s productive capacity. NIO’s revenue topped analyst expectations, while its loss per share was wider than anticipated. Source: Predictions based on analysts’ consensus from Visible Alpha
As cryptocurrency’s transformation from speculative investment to a balanced portfolio stablemate continues to gather pace, governments around the world remain divided on how to regulate the emerging asset class. Below, we break down the current digital currency regulatory landscape by country. Key Takeaways As cryptocurrency has become a more significant factor in the global investment